Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Something only we know about

Yet the artist did not feel the horror, which was proper to Phoebe's sweet and order-loving character, at thus finding herself at issue with society, and brought into contact with an event that transcended ordinary rules. ... On the contrary, he gathered a wild enjoyment--as it were, a flower of strange beauty, growing in a desolate spot, and blossoming in the wind--such a flower of momentary happiness he gathered from his present position. It separated Phoebe and himself from the world, and bound them to each other, by their exclusive knowledge of Judge Pyncheon's mysterious death, and the council they were forced to hold respecting it. The secret, so long as it should continue such, kept them within the circle of a spell, a solitude in the midst of men, a remoteness as entire as that of an island in mid-ocean... [Hawthorne 213-214]

Hardly necessary at this point, but: "Hipster, in its revival, referred to an air of knowing about exclusive things before anyone else." [Grief 3]

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